Creating compelling video and media content for our clients
Live streams and webinars
Need a live stream for your event or seminar? Want more than just a Zoom meeting. Talk to us about a multi camera, fully produced live stream, using popular technologies such as Zoom Conferencing or YouTube.
Sports video production
We specialise in motorsport video production and can shine a spot light on the personalities in your event using a documentary style feature story. We’ll paint a picture with video and your competitors, officials or spectators will be the stars of the show.
Corporate video
Our team can shoot stunning video and then edit it into a compelling story about you, your products or your story.
Digital content
We do more than just video. Ask us about managing your campaign across social and mainstream media platforms.
Drone footage
Stunning aerial footage from state of the art drones. We can capture your vision from the air.
OHM Productions – Video and Media
Creating video content to put the spotlight on your products and services